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TH begins to work at the Potosí mines in Bolivia

A team from TH travelled recently to Potosí to commission the plant built under the multi-metal tailings project awarded to it in competition with a number of internationally renowned firms.

The challenges faced by TH in this project include managing the high volume of tailings from different mines in the area hither to deposited in the San Antonio dam. Between 3800 and 4200 tonnes of ore per day are processed, resulting in between 145 and 160 l/sec of tailings containing oxides, sulphides and ores such as silver, zinc, lead and tin. The amount of acid produced and metal mobilised at the current dam is increasing due to exposure of tailings to the air and water. This means that there is a high risk of leaks and leaching.

To treat these tailings, TH is setting up an all-round solution that includes hydro-cycloning, draining, decanting and filtering.

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