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TH COMPANY has been awarded with Euskalit´s 5S Silver Certificate

Euskalit, the Basque agency for the excellence, has awarded TH COMPANY with the 5S Silver Certificate in recognition of the hard work carried out during the past years to implement the 5S methodology at company´s workplace. The Silver Diploma was collected by TH COMPANY´s 5S implementation team during the ceremony held in December at the Euskalit headquarters, located in the Zamudio technology park.

The 5S methodology allows to establish and group together a series of activities with the aim of creating the working conditions that allow the execution of tasks in an organized, orderly and clean way.

The 5S are the initials of five Japanese words to which this methodology owes its name:

• Seiri: Cleanup

• Seiton: Configure

• Seiso: Clean and Check

• Seiketsu: Conformity

• Shitsuke: Ongoing Improvement

5S methodology implementation will allow TH COMPANY to improve the use of resources, reducing breakdowns and stocks and improving logistics tasks. Company´s productivity will be improved, as well as the quality of products and services, staff´s motivation and teamwork and the capacity of a business to adjust internal processes and adapt to unexpected changes.

Right now, TH COMPANY is focused on finalizing the 5S methodology implementation in all of its facilities, which will allow the organization to obtain the 5S Gold Certificate.

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