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TH COMPANY holds kick-off meeting for year with subsidiaries in attendance

Once again, TH COMPANY has held its kick-off meeting for the year at its corporate headquarters in Munguía, with the attendance of its various foreign subsidiaries. This year the meeting was attended by Management and heads of sales from its various business lines. The company currently has subsidiaries in Ecuador, Mexico and China, and operates in over 40 countries.

In the course of these strategic seminars, the landmark events of 2019 were summed up, including the opening of a new branch in Los Encuentros, Ecuador, to begin working for the mining sector, the start-up of the TH Division in Mexico and adaptation to the new corporate identity. Strategic challenges for 2020 were also set, including the reinforcing of the range offered by the company, the strengthening of the TH brand internationally and continuous improvement in customer service. The hard work done is expected to bear fruit over the course of the year, in which TH COMPANY will continue to strive to increase its presence worldwide and provide service for its customers wherever needed.

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