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TH COMPANY join forces with CEMTEC and GAUSTEC for the Indian market

TH COMPANY has signed cooperation agreements with CEMTEC and GAUSTEC for the Indian market. These agreements will enable CEMTEC's grinding technology and Brazilian based GAUSTEC's magnetic separators to be added to TH's offering. Thanks to these 2 agreements, TH COMPANY will provide a complete solution for iron ore beneficiation in the Indian market.

CEMTEC is an internationally renowned Austrian specialist in wet and dry grinding for the mining and cement industries. CEMTEC's grinding technology stands out for its versatility: it can be adapted to the needs of whatever process it is used on. Under the agreement entered into, TH COMPANY becomes CEMTEC's licence holder for the Indian market, bringing together the sales strategies of the two firms to offer grinding technology to the mining and construction industries in India.

The agreement with Brazilian firm GAUSTEC is set to make TH COMPANY its agent in India for its magnetic separation technology, enabling the former's WHIMS (Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separators) and NoBLOCK filters to be incorporated into the offering of TH COMPANY. GAUSTEC's magnetic separation technology is renowned worldwide and has been installed successfully by many of the world's biggest mining companies.

With these agreements, TH COMPANY now has one of the most competitive technology offerings on the market for iron ore beneficiation and can supply turnkey plants. The company can also offer its customers operation and maintenance services for these plants, accompanying them throughout the process.

After more than ten years working on the Indian market, where it has installed several filtration installations which are now up and running, TH COMPANY decided to open an office in Kolkata, where it has a large staff with broad experience in the design, development, manufacturing and sale of solutions for the mining, industrial minerals and aggregates industries. This new office has enabled the company to strengthen its position in India and provide customers with better service while focusing on basic and detail engineering projects and equipment development.

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