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TH will supply a filtration solution for LAMBOL mining company

LAMBOL mining company has selected TH to implement a silver concentrate filtration system at its Choroma mine in Tupiza (Bolivia). This contract will allow TH to increase its presence in the region.

TH will design, manufacture, and supply all the filtration equipment necessary for the filtration system, such as a slurry pump and APN-12QHP filter press. The proposed filter press will be equipped with TH´s exclusive filter plates with high-strength cores and perimeter seals for optimum sealing. TH´s filter plates´ advanced design and modular configuration ensures high output levels at the lowest possible cost per tonne. The filter press will also incorporate a cake drying system which replaces residual liquid with compressed air, via inlet system.

A SIX 2 positive displacement pump will be used to pump the slurry into the filter press. This TH slurry pumps had been designed to ease their operation as their hydraulic drive is based on TH´s exclusive load sensing technology. This enables the pump to self-regulate in changing process conditions, both while pumping slurry and also while filling with filter presses. Also, SIX slurry pumps are easier to maintain than other solutions in the market as they have few moving parts and even those are easily accessible.

TH has more than 50 years of experience in solutions for the mining industry and has collaborated with some of the most important metallurgical and mining companies in the world and its solutions and equipment have been successfully implemented all over the world.

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