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Dolomite treatment plant for sand production

A tertiary crushing, sizing and storage plant for dolomite sand for use in the glass manufacturing and construction industries. This plant can produce 40 t/h of sand with grain sizes of 0-2 mm.

General data

  • Customer: Cevital
  • Type of facility: Crushing and sizing plant for special sands.
  • Industry: Aggregates
  • Country: Algeria
  • Application: Special sands
  • Output: Process capacity 40 t/h


The Cevital Group has a dolomite quarry in the Bordj Bou Arréridj region, where it produces special sand. To take advantage of this resource, it was decided to construct a new plant in the town of Hamra under the name Agrégats Dolomie D´eI. The new plant is to produce high quality sand with grain sizes of 0-2 mm.

TH worked with Cevital on the basic and detail engineering, the supply of equipment and the supervision of general manufacturing and implementation work. Within the scope of the project, TH developed, manufactured and supplied a tertiary crushing station, a probabilistic screen, an air classifier, a general dust capture system, conveyor belts, spiral dewater, electrical control switch board etc.

This new plant consolidated TH's presence in North Africa and in the region's aggregate industry.


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