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Filtration plant for coal tailings

Engineering and filtration equipment for the coal tailings dewatering plant at the Tata Steel coal complex in Jamadoba in Jharkhand state, India.

General data

  • Customer: Naresh Kumar & CO. PVT. Ltd
  • Type of facility: Filtration plant for coal tailings
  • Industry: Mining
  • Country: India
  • Application: Tailings Management
  • Output: 33 T/h


Engineering and filtration systems supplied by TH to NKCPL for incorporation into a coal tailings dewatering plant at the Tata Steel Coal Mines complex in Jamadoba (India).

This plant receives the tailings from the upstream coal concentrate enrichment plant. The tailings processing plant produces 33 t/h of dry cake, with a residual moisture level of 25%. This output is sold to a nearby power plant, and the recycled water is reused at Tata's coal and steel washing plant, resulting in major water savings.


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